Gottlieb Power Supply System 1
Brand new design Power supply Board for Power Supply Gottlieb System 1. Direct replacement board for the original Power Supply Gottlieb System 1 board.
With LED indicators.
Improved parts.
And no running 5V any more!
Standard these had 30 mu copper tracks. These boards have 70 mu copper tracks that will never burn again!
Can be screwed onto the area of the old power supply board, or if desired, against the backbox wall.
Made by PindoraBox. Thinking out of the box!
Used in these games:
Asteroid Annie
Buck Rogers
Charlie’s Angels (Solid State)
Cleopatra (Solid State)
Close Encounters (Solid State)
Count Down
Dragon (Soild State)
Joker Poker (Solid State)
Pinball Pool
Roller Disco
Solar Ride(Solid State)
Inspired on a Pascal Janin design.
Partnumber: B-18396